Simple Full Moon Ritual

We often envision the life, schedule, flexibility, and freedom we want  as something that we’re working towards. Something we'll have someday. Maybe we've even planned for it to blossom into reality on a particular day x number of weeks/months/years in the future. 

But why? Why put that version of our lives even one day in the future? 

Why not choose the life you want today?

This Full Moon Ritual embodies our ability to make that choice. It’s simple, practical, and effective.
You can use this ritual under any full moon - or any time for that matter - but it’s especially well-suited for the energy of full moons in Gemini & Aquarius.

All you need is a pen, paper, and YOU!

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Full Moon Ritual

for choosing the life you want

First, gather your supplies (pen & paper)

Then, set your space. This might mean saining, lighting a candle, setting up a mini-altar, grabbing a cup of tea, etc.
Whatever you want to do to prepare yourself and your space!

  1. Free-write or journal about this question: What isn’t working?
    Go until you feel like you’re done, or set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes.

  2. Review what came up and consider how you can take action to release those things that aren’t working.
    Organize and re-write the things that aren’t working using this format: I release ____________ by ____________ .

    For example, if you are in a relationship (business, romantic, or otherwise) that isn’t mutually supportive and is a big drain on your energy, you might write, “I release my relationship with so-and-so by limiting my contact with them, hiding their account from my social media feeds, and declining any future plans together.” You are tying what you are letting go of to concrete action or choices.

  3. Say it out loud.
    Once you’ve create your release list, read it out loud. You can do this just once, but if you are doing this on the full moon, I highly recommend saying it out loud every day until the day before the next new moon.

  4. We’ve created space by releasing - time to fill it with the things you do want!
    Free-write or journal around this question: What am I reading to receive TODAY?
    Go until you feel like you’re done, or set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes.

  5. Similar to before, review what came up and consider how you can take action or empower yourself to receive those things.
    Organize and re-write what you’re ready to receive using this format: I have/am/embody/[other relevant action verb] ____________ because ____________.

    For example, if you want more flexibility in your schedule, you might write something like, “I have a flexible schedule because I enforce boundaries around my time and do what works for me when if works for me,” or “I have more than enough time because I choose not to overcommit myself and release commitments that are monopolizing my schedule.”

  6. Say it out loud!
    Just as you used your throat chakra to release what’s no longer serving you, use it again to call in what you’re ready to receive.

Give yourself permission to rest and indulge in activities that just feel good for the rest of the evening. I always like to treat myself to a luxurious bath, crystal healing, and self-massage. (Lately I’ve been living for this body oil from Romi Apothecary!)

Let me know if you have any questions, and I’d love to hear about your experience with the ritual!
And if you need help with re-framing/re-writing your affirmations in parts 2 & 5, feel free to DM me on Instagram. :)

With warmth & love,



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